Access Control

Access Control is a means to control access to: doors, gates, medicine cabinets, tool cribs, firearms. At the most primitive state, “access control” can be a log of serialized traditional keys for a door and you keep a written log of who physically has that key at what date/time.

Keyless Entry means getting into doors or secure areas without having to have a bunch of keys to keep track of. Smart Locks are a means of keyless entry and can use: number password, keyfob, ID card, QRcode, your mobile phone ID..even you face to unlock the door. Most of the smart locks you see on the market are direct drop in replacements for your deadbolt or passage handle. They are quick to install, come in a variety of colors and finishes, and run on batteries. (depending on model and which batteries you choose, you can get 1 year to 3 years of use before replacing batteries). Many of these models also integrate into your alarm system, meaning you can control the lock from your cell phone or manage as part of a routine on your security system.

Some of the downsides to having a Smart Lock: limited codes you can assign, no log of who accessed when, no schedules for access, they are also slower to operate (taking longer than using a physical key).

An Access Control System, would refer to a centralized system where you manage: users, schedules, access to resources with reporting and lockout capabilities. Access Control systems can also tie to fire panels to unlock doors in event of emergency; conversely, the entire property can be locked-down with a push of a button to secure everyone and everything in place. Contact sensor tied into your access control can notify you when doors were propped open or never fully closed.

The modes of access are: facial recognition, QR codes, ID badges, key fobs, or codes. Unlike keyless entry systems, most commercial grade access systems have unlatch times between 0.6 seconds and 3 seconds. For businesses, they allow much more efficient flow of traffic, while still maintaining secure access to the facility. The systems can tie into elevators too, so that only allowed floors can be accessed by your visitors. From turnstiles to door strikes and panic bars, there are many ways to control flow of personnel and public in buildings or outdoor spaces.

The solutions for say an AirBnB rental are not the same we put into government facilities. That’s why we use the right technology for the project. Contact us for how we can help you address your physical security needs with the right access control solution.

Security Cameras-CCTV-Video Surveillance

The cameras today are simply amazing. Literally, I am amazed. Now to put that in perspective, understand that I have a strong technical background spanning decades. From learning to write computer code in the 1980s to developing eCommerce initiatives in 1995, working through corporate IT, teaching Computer Science at University and Colleges, then building several tech companies (the latest being TPG Security Technologies); I still am amazed at what mainstream surveillance offerings have to offer.

It wasn’t that long ago that CCTV (closed circuit television…aka security cameras) relied on physical tapes and media. (yes, I actually have first-hand experience with those). The resolution was terrible, and you had to search for things after they happened.

But the cameras we have today have excellent pictures, even in low-light conditions. The cameras can detect humans, vehicles, packages. Using those analytics, you can do actions like set off lights, send alert to your mobile phone, or have monitoring center dispatch emergency services. We even have systems that do facial recognition and license plate reading.

Recorded footage is no longer on clunky tapes. It’s been more than 20 years that the tape systems went away. We use onsite hard drives, solid state storage, SD cards and/or cloud based storage. It’s easy to review footage from your mobile phone or a computer.. even with multiple properties and systems.

On the small scale? Your home doorbell notifies you that a package was left on your porch. Or that a vehicle pulled into your driveway.

Beyond safety and security, camera systems can streamline your life and business. We also have camera systems that are used for quality control or business management. Besides watching for theft or damage, retail stores can detect customers waiting in lines (to automatically page additional personnel). Congested warehouses use surveillance analytics used to rearrange inventory locations and work areas.

Don’t get overwhelmed by the options! Let use at TPG Security Tech help come up with a solution that is right for you and right within your budget. We have success stories in: pharmacies, dispensaries, manufacturing, retail, small business, residential and government.

Alarm Systems

In the broadest definition, alarm systems are electronic systems that monitor for conditions and then report when things change. That could be a simple single freezer sensor that lets off a siren when the temperature goes above 20 degrees F. Or that could be a complete alarm system that detects when windows get opened, doors opened, glass breaks, or motion sensors pick up movement. Those events are forwarded to a Central Monitoring station and then police/fire/EMT will be dispatched as necessary.

Alarm systems are typically called “burg panels” or “security systems”. I often hear people refer to their cameras as “security systems”, but most camera systems (especially DiY systems) do not fit that bill. Why? Camera systems (typically) only record things that have happened. That’s great for seeing events after they happened. They are missing that component of “reporting”, which is critical to catch events in realtime. Camera systems also do not typically dispatch police through Central Monitoring (yes, we have cameras that do..but they are extensions of an actual monitored security system).

While camera systems and security systems are different, they can integrate to work together. Security systems can also integrate with your home audio system or heating and air conditioning (but we don’t refer to your air conditioning as a security system).

The Heart of the Modern Security System: the panel

Traditional hardwired panels still exist (and we often use in commercial space). But modern wireless solutions work reliably (and are certified for life safety use). They are fast to deploy without messy wiring to fish through the building. The batteries in the sensors typically last for 3-5 years before needing replaced. Keep in mind traditional wired systems are NOT without maintenance, you should replace sensors every 10 years (smokes, PIR).

The panels that we install are easy-to-use and packed full of features:

  • The ability to disarm a home security system with face recognition
  • Quick, easy programming and installation. 
  • Increased security and data privacy, keeping a home and personal information safe. 
  • Full smart home integration with touch panel and voice controls through AlexaSiri, and Google Assistant.
  • Garage Door: check status, open/close, auto-close (and alert if you leave and forget to close)
  • Smart thermostat: change temperature, get alerts on conditions, make a routine (eg turn down heat when you leave for the day and turn back on 1 hour before getting home)
  • Smart locks: use wireless key fob to unlock, private code at keypad, or even the mobile app.
  • Notification sensors: smart gun locks, stove and grill guard sensors, water leaks
  • Intrusion sensors: glass break, motion, door/window contacts
  • Life safety sensors: bed sensors, personal safety pendant (with fall detection), carbon monoxide, smoke, heat.

South Bend Grant Program

In an effort to make the city of South Bend, Indiana a safer place; the city has implemented a new program. Rather than just put more physical police on patrol, the city has involved the community businesses. This approach is better with community involvement, and saves money in the long run.

The program invests grant monies into small businesses to shore up their security presence.

We at TPG Security Technologies are proud to be a part of that process. Under the program, we have already audited 28 businesses for security concerns. We have implemented surveillance cameras for the businesses and tied many outside cam views into the RealTime Crime Center at the South Bend Police Department.